From Theory to Practice

Observing practicing herbalists as they navigate real-life clinical situations is an essential component of transitioning from theoretical herbalism to clinical practice.

Much of what we need to know to support our clients isn’t written down in a book; Navigating the complexities of modern diseases and mainstream medical treatments, running differentials and taking a complete health history while holding space for our clients’ stories and maintaining the role of herbalist as educator - these skills are best learned through observation, discussion and practice.

What to Expect in Class

We will meet one Friday each month from 5-7pm eastern. Classes are recorded and uploaded to the online classroom for those who can't join live.

In this live online series, you will observe an initial intake and participate in a moderated case review discussion directly following the consultation. Thomas will walk you through his differentials, thought processes, and initial ideas surrounding the case. There will be time for questions throughout this process.

You will receive redacted copies of client intake forms and bloodwork before the event, the finalized health plan within one week of the event, and access to the recorded first follow-up appointment 4-6 weeks after the event.

For those of you working towards American Herbalist Guild professional membership, this series counts towards your clinical hours.

Pricing for the CHIA Series

The cost is $40 a month.

Students only have access to the series content while they're subscribed.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • 2022-2023 Clinical Herbalism in Action Dates

  • 2

    Case #1: July 2021

    • Intake forms

    • Blood Work

    • Consultation Recording

    • Care Plan

    • Case 1 SOAPS Expanded

  • 3

    Case 2: August 2021

    • August Consult Intake forms

    • Consult Recording

    • Care Plan

  • 4

    Case 3: September 2021

    • Client Intake Forms

    • Blood Work

    • Consult Recording

    • Care Plan

  • 5

    Case 4: October 2021

    • Clinical Herbalism In Action October Consult

    • October Client Intake Forms

    • October_SOAP

    • October Consult Recheck 1

    • October Health Plan

    • October CHIA 2nd Recheck

    • October CHIA 3rd Recheck

    • October CHIA 4th Recheck

  • 6

    Case 5: November 2021

    • November Client Intake Forms

    • November Case Blood Work_TW

    • November Consult Recording

    • November Care Plan

    • November CHIA 2nd Recheck

  • 7

    Case 6: December (CC= Headaches)

    • December Client Intake Forms

    • November CHIA 1st Recheck

    • December Client Bloodwork

    • December Live Consult Recording

    • December Care Plan

    • December Client 1st Recheck

  • 8

    Live Case #7 (January 28th)

    • January Client Intake Forms

    • January Live Case Consult Recording

    • January CHIA Healthplan

  • 9

    Live Case #8 (February 25th)

    • February Intake Form

    • February Consult Video

    • Feb CHIA Healthplan

    • 2.9.22_Metabolic Panel_Redacted

    • 2.9.22_CBC_Redacted

    • Lipid_Panel_to_Direct_LDL_Panel_Redacted

    • Zinc_Redacted

    • Glucose_CSF_Redacted

    • hepatic_function_panel_Redacted

    • magnesium_Redacted

    • 9.2_parathyroid_hormone_Redacted

    • CSF_Cell_Count_Redacted

    • Urinalysis_Microscopic_Redacted

    • Troponin_Redacted

    • EKG_12_lead_Redacted

    • IR_Carotid_Cerebral_Angiogram_Redacted

    • Lactate_Screen_Venous_ISTAT_Redacted

  • 10

    Live Case March

    • March Intake Forms

    • March Consult Video

    • March CHIA Healthplan

    • March CHIA 1st Recheck

  • 11

    Live Case April

    • April Intake Form

    • April Bloodwork

    • April CHIA Healthplan

    • April Consult Recording

    • April CHIA 1st Recheck

  • 12

    Live Case May

    • May Intake Form

    • May CHIA Blood Work Pictures

    • May Consult Recording

    • May CHIA Healthplan

  • 13

    June Live Case

    • June CHIA Intake Forms

    • June CHIA Consult Recording

    • June CHIA Healthplan

  • 14

    July Live Case

    • July 2022 CHIA Intake Forms

    • July CHIA Consult Recording

    • July CHIA Bloodwork results 02-2021

    • July CHIA Bloodwork results 09-2021

    • July CHIA Bloodwork results 04-2022

    • July 2022 CHIA Care Plan

  • 15

    August Live Case

    • August CHIA Intake Form

    • 2022.03.30_Labs August CHIA

    • 2021.10.20_CHIA Labs

    • 2022.08.11_Appointment_Details_and_2022.08.08_CHIA Labs

    • August CHIA Consult Recording

    • August 2022 CHIA Health Plan

  • 16

    September 2022

    • September 2022 CHIA Intake Forms

    • September 2022 CHIA LABS

    • September 2022 CHIA Initial Intake

    • September 2022 CHIA Heathplan

  • 17

    October 2022

    • October 2022 CHIA Intake Forms

    • October 2022 CHIA Initial Intake

    • October 2022 CHIA Healthplan

  • 18

    November 2022

    • November 2022 CHIA Intake Forms

    • November 2022 CHIA HEALTH PLAN

    • November 2022 CHIA Consult Recording

  • 19

    December 2022

    • December 2022 CHIA Consult

    • December 2022 Health Plan

    • Dec 2022 CHIA Intake Forms

    • Dec 2022 CHIA Bloodwork_2022

    • Dec 2022 CHIA Bloodwork_2020

    • Dec 2022 CHIA Bloodwork_2019

    • Dec 2022 CHIA Endoscopy Results_2020

  • 20

    January 2023

    • January 2023 CHIA Intake Forms

    • January 20, 2023 CHIA Initial Consult

    • January CHIA 2023 Blood work files

    • January CHIA Initial Care Plan

    • First Follow Up February 17, 2023

    • Follow Up SOAPs

    • Client Resources

  • 21

    February 2023

    • February 2023 CHIA Intake Forms

    • February 2023 CHIA Initial Consult Recording

    • February CHIA-Blood work files

    • February CHIA- Care Plans

    • Follow Up SOAPs

    • Resources

    • February 2023 CHIA- 2nd Follow Up Recording

    • February 2023 CHIA- 3rd Follow Up Recording - 10/6/23

  • 22

    March 2023

    • March 2023 CHIA Intake Forms

    • March 2023 CHIA Initial Consult Recording

    • March 2023 CHIA Blood Work Files

    • Follow Up SOAPs

    • March 2023 CHIA Care Plans

    • March 2023 CHIA- 1st Follow Up Recording 5/5/23

    • March 2023 CHIA- 2nd Follow Up Recording 6/16/23

  • 23

    April 2023


    • April 2023 Care Plan

    • Harm Reduction Downloadable

  • 24

    May 2023

    • May 2023 CHIA Intake Forms

    • May 2023 CHIA Initial Consult Recording

    • May 2023 CHIA Healthplan

    • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Powerpoint

  • 25

    June 2023

    • June 2023 CHIA Initial Consult Recording

    • JuneCHIAIntake_Redacted

    • June CHIA Initial Care Plan

    • June CHIA 2023 Blood Work Files

  • 26

    July 2023

    • July 2023 CHIA Initial Consult Recording

    • July 2023 CHIA Intake Forms

    • July 2023 CHIA Blood Work Files

    • July 2023 CHIA Care Plans

    • July 2023 CHIA Resource Files

    • Follow Up SOAPs

    • July 2023 CHIA 1st Follow Up Recording- 9/15/23

  • 27

    August 2023

    • SOAPS for August CHIA

    • August 2023 CHIA Initial Consult Recording

    • August 2023 CHIA Care Plans

  • 28

    September 2023

    • September CHIA Intake Forms

    • September 2023 CHIA Recording

    • September 2023 CHIA Blood Work Files

    • September 2023 CHIA Care Plans

    • Follow Up SOAPs

  • 29

    October 2023-Nerve Pain

    • October CHIA Intake Form

    • October 2023 CHIA Recording-Nerve Pain

    • October 2023 Care Plans

  • 30

    November 2023-Multiple sclerosis

    • November 2023 CHIA Recording-MS

    • November 2023 CHIA Intake Form

    • November 2023 CHIA Blood Work

    • Evaluation and Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in Adults

    • November 2023 CHIA SOAP Note

    • November 2023 CHIA Health Plan

  • 31

    December 2023-Fatigue/Depression

    • December 2023 CHIA Intake Forms

    • December 2023 CHIA Recording

    • Care Plans

  • 32

    January 2024

    • January 2024 CHIA Intake Forms

    • Care Plans

    • January 2024 CHIA Recording

  • 33

    February 2024

    • February 2024 CHIA Intake Forms

    • Care plans

    • Initial Intake Recording

  • 34

    March 2024

    • March 2024 CHIA Intake Forms

    • Initial Intake Recording

    • Care Plans March CHIA

  • 35

    April 2024

    • April 2024 CHIA Intake Forms

    • Lab Work

    • Initial Intake Recording

    • SOAP Notes

    • Care Plans

    • 1st follow up recording

  • 36

    May 2024

    • May 2024 CHIA Intake Form

    • May 2024 CHIA Consult Recording

    • May 2024 CHIA Healthplan

    • Resources on Interstitial Cystitis, PMDD, and Endometriosis

  • 37

    June 2024

    • June 2024 CHIA Intake Forms

  • 38

    July 2024

    • July 2024 CHIA Intake Forms

    • Lab Work