Community Herbalism Certification

The Community Herbalism certification program builds on the Foundational Herbalism Program.

In this course, students are introduced to the two most vital body systems: the digestive system and the nervous system.

Students will also learn about mental health, systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, public health, scope of practice and the energetics of traditional Western herbalism, and the basics of traditional assessment forms.

What You Get

as part of our Community Herbalism Certification Program

- An Integrative Approach to Systemic Inflammation

- An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System

- An Integrative Approach to Insulin Resistance and Obesity

- An Integrative Approach to the Nervous System

- An Integrative Approach to Mental Health

- Traditional Western Assessment

- The Theory and Application of Traditional - Western Herbalism – A Course on Energetics

- Live monthly Q&As

- Access to private facebook group and nonmedia forum to ask questions and connect with your cohort

- Access to option in-person weekends

After Program Completion

What you will be able to do when you complete certification:

This course is perfect for those who plan on doing herbal work in their communities, working at an herb shop, or for people who want a deeper understanding of the body and herbalism.

Students who intend to see clients professionally should plan on continuing on to the Clinical Herbalism Program.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    START HERE: Program Overview and Logistics

    • Community Program Logistics-START HERE

  • 2

    Monograph Writing Assignments

    • Monograph Writing Class and Resource Videos

    • Monograph Writing Sources List

    • Monograph Writing Resources

  • 3

    Monthly Live Q&As

    • Q&A Living Document-ADD QUESTIONS HERE

    • Monthly Q&A Zoom Link

  • 4

    The Art and Science of Plant Medicine Making-Community

    • Chapter 3 Video: Making Your Percolation Equipment

    • Chapter 3 Notes: Percolations and Formulation

    • Chapter 3 Video: Making Percolations

    • Formulations 101

    • Formulation 101 Notes

    • Electuaries and Medicinal Paste

    • Tea Powder and Tincture Powder Concentrates Part 1

    • Tea Powder and Tincture Powder Concentrates Part 2

    • Making Solid Extracts

    • Making Liniments

    • Making Creams

    • How to Make Herbal Lozenges

    • How to Encapsulate Herbs and Make Honey Pills

    • Community Medicine Making Handouts

  • 5

    The Theory and Application of Traditional Western Energetics

    • Class Resource: Foundational Herbcraft by jim mcdonald

    • Energetics Day 1, Part 1

    • Energetics Day 1, Part 2

    • Energetics Day 1, Part 3

    • Energetics Day 1, Part 4

    • Energetics Day 2, Part 1

    • Energetics Day 2, Part 2

    • Energetics Day 2, Part 3

    • Energetics Day 2, Part 4

    • Energetics Day 3, Part 1

    • Energetics Day 3, Part 2

    • Energetics Day 3, Part 3

    • Energetics Day 3, Part 4

    • Energetics Day 4, Part 1

    • Energetics Day 4, Part 2

    • Energetics Day 4, Part 3

    • Energetics Day 4, Part 4

  • 6

    An Integrative Approach to Systemic Inflammation

    • An Integrative Approach to Systemic Inflammation Written Resources

    • Supplemental Videos-Required

    • Lecture 1: The Benefits of Acute Inflammation Pro-inflammatory Food, Nutrient Deficiency, Hyperglycemia

    • Lecture 2: Food Allergies and Dysbiosis

    • Lecture 3: Mitochondria Dysfunction and Endocrine imbalance

    • Lecture 4: Allostatic Load, and Anti-inflammatory Protocol

    • Systemic Inflammation Test

    • Formulation for Inflammation

    • Formulation for Inflammation Class Notes

    • Systemic Inflammation Quiz

  • 7

    An Integrative Approach to Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

    • Lecture 1: Introduction to Insulin Resistance and Obesity

    • Lecture 2: Diet, Gut Health, Exercise, Food Reward Theory

    • Lecture 3: Clinical Applications

    • Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Test

    • An Integrative Approach to Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

    • Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Quiz

  • 8

    An Integrated Approach to the Nervous System

    • An Integrated Approach to the Nervous System Resources

    • An Integrated Approach to the Nervous System Lecture 1: The Process and Resources

    • An Integrated Approach to the Nervous System Lecture 2: Nerve Tonics and Nerve Sedatives

    • An Integrated Approach to the Nervous System Lecture 3: Adrenal Fatigue and Adaptogens

    • An Integrated Approach to the Nervous System Lecture 4: Sleep

    • Formulations for the Nervous System Part 1: Stress and Anxiety

    • Formulations for the Nervous System Part 2: Depression

    • Formulations for the Nervous System Class Notes

  • 9

    An Integrated Approach to Mental Health

    • An Integrated Approach to Mental Health Resources

    • Lecture 1: Introduction and Depression

    • NEW Mental Health Lecture: The Stress Response

    • NEW Mental Health Lecture: Psychiatric Diagnoses

    • Lecture 2: Bipolar Disorder and Genetic Influences on Mental Health

    • NEW Mental Health Lecture: Depression and Bipolar Symptoms and Differentials

    • Lecture 3: PTSD and Addiction

    • Lecture 4: Anxiety and ADHD

    • NEW Mental Health Lecture: Anxiety Spectrum Disorders

    • NEW Mental Health Lecture: ADHD

    • NEW Mental Health Lecture: Benzos

    • Mental Health Test

    • Mental Health Quiz

  • 10

    Traditional Western Assessment and the Consultation Process

    • Traditional Western Assessment and the Consultation Process Resources

    • Lecture 1: Traditional Western Assessment and the Consultation Process

    • Lecture 2: Tongue, Pulse and Tissue States

    • NEW Tongue Assessment Lecture 1

    • NEW Tongue Assessment Lecture 2

  • 11

    An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System

    • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Resources

    • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Lecture 1: The Mouth, Esophagus and Stomach

    • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Lecture 2: Small Intestines

    • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Lecture 3: Leaky Gut and SIBO

    • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Lecture 4: Large Intestines

    • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Lecture 5: The Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas

    • An Integrative Approach to the Digestive System Lecture 6: Review and Clinical Protocols for GI Problems

    • The Human Microbiome Project TED Talk

    • The Microbiome TED Talk

    • Digestive System Test

    • Formulation for the Gut Part 1

    • Formulation for the Gut Part 2

    • Formulations for the Gut Class Notes

    • Digestive System Quiz

Try Before You Buy

If you'd like to preview the type of content that's included in our programs, check out these videos:


  • How much time will this program take to complete?

    This program is 100% self paced, therefore the time it takes to complete it depends heavily on the amount of time you devote to the course. It takes folks anywhere between 3-12 months to complete generally.

  • Is there a prerequisite for this course?

    Yes, the completion of the Foundational Herbalism Program is a prerequisite for enrolling in the Community Herbalism Program.

  • What are the requirements for receiving my Community Herbalism Program certificate?

    - Complete all coursework

    - Pass all quizzes

    - Turn in all required assignments

    - Completion of 2 projects: one on public health and one on scope of practice in herbalism

  • How much does this course cost?

    $1475.00 if paid in full, or 12 payments of $123.

    (This does not include the cost associated with enrollment in the Foundational Herbalism Program).

  • Will this course prepare me for active clinical practice?

    No, but if you're interested in training that will prepare you for active clinical practice, check out our full clinical program! This program is the second piece of our Clinical Practitioner program.

  • Who can I contact if I have questions about the Community Herbalism Program?

    Send an email to [email protected].

Join Us!

This course is perfect for those who plan on doing herbal work in their communities, or who plan on continuing on to the Clinical Herbalism Program.

Addressing Cost and Accessibility in Herbal Education:

 We know that herbal education can be expensive and difficult to access for some folks! We pride ourselves in offering quality education and clinical experience opportunities at costs lower than the average herbal program, as well as offering longer payment plans. But we know that some folks will still find our prices inaccessible. 

We currently offer a small number of partial and full scholarships based on equity and/or true financial need. We are also working on creating a formal equity scholarship program and hope to launch this in early 2025. 

Please email [email protected] to inquire about potential scholarship opportunities.