Foundational Herbalism

Dive into the world of herbal medicine with our Foundational Herbalism Program. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned practitioner, this program is designed to give you a comprehensive foundation in health and healing.

Our accessible curriculum is based on the Five Realms model, a holistic framework that looks at health through five interconnected lenses: Health, Maladaptations, Disease, Experience, and Eco-Sociocultural-Political context. This framework will help you develop a deep understanding of the complex factors that shape well-being and learn how to apply herbal knowledge while honoring the diverse needs and experiences of those you serve or plan to serve.

See our blog series for a detailed introduction to the Five Realms Model:

Learning Objectives Of The Foundational Herbalism Program:

In this immersive program, you will:

1. Engage with the rich history and philosophy of herbal medicine.

2. Cultivate a grounded, person-centered approach to healing.

3. Learn to assess and build health through the lens of the Five Realms, with a focus on nutrition, lifestyle, and herbal support.

4. Gain hands-on experience in medicine making.

5. Develop a practical understanding of herbal safety, quality, and sustainability.

6. Explore the fundamentals of acute care herbalism and gain the skills to tackle common health challenges effectively.

7. Develop critical thinking and research skills that will empower you to navigate the complex landscape of herbal information with discernment.

Foundational Herbalism Program

Through dynamic video and audio lessons, in-depth readings, quizzes, live classes, hands-on assignments, and a supportive private learning community, you'll build a strong foundation in the art and science of herbal medicine. Whether you're called to support your own health, care for your family and friends, or lay the groundwork for a career in community or clinical herbalism, this program will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to follow your path with confidence and integrity.

Enroll now and join us on an exploration to rethink health, disease, and the role of herbal medicine in healthcare!

After Program Completion

What you will be able to do when you complete certification:

Upon completing the Foundational Herbalism Program, you will have developed a comprehensive understanding of the Five Realms model and how it can be applied to navigate the complexities of health and disease. You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to:

1. Assess and support your own health and the health of your family and friends through the lens of the Five Realms, with a focus on nutrition, lifestyle, and herbal interventions.

2. Confidently address common acute health issues using herbal medicine, while understanding when to refer to healthcare professionals.

3. Craft a variety of herbal preparations for personal use or to share with family and friends.

4. Understand and apply the principles of foundational herbal actions.

5. Critically analyze and synthesize information from modern herbal literature to inform your herbal practice.

6. Effectively communicate your understanding of herbal medicine to others, fostering a more nuanced and holistic perspective on health and healing.

While this program provides a strong foundation in the art and science of herbal medicine, it is important to note that it does not prepare you for active clinical practice. If your goal is to work with the public, we encourage you to explore our Community and Clinical Practitioner programs, which builds upon the knowledge and skills gained in the Foundational Herbalism Program to prepare you for a career in Community or Clinical Herbal Medicine.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome and Logistics

    • Foundational Program Logistics

    • Live Class Quick Links

  • 2

    Assignment: Reflection Journal

    • Introduction to Reflective Journaling Audio

    • Guide to Reflective Journaling

    • Google Drive Tutorials

  • 3

    A Practical Philosophy Of Herbal Medicine

    • Welcome To The Five Realms

    • Part 1: Intro and Orgins of the Five Realms

    • Part 1: Intro and Orgins of the Five Realms

    • Part 2: The Realm of Health

    • Part 2: The Realm of Health

    • The Realm of Health: Key Concepts

    • Realm of Health Journal Prompts

    • Part 3: The Realm of Maladaptations

    • Part 3: The Realm of Maladaptations

    • The Realm of Maladaptations: Key Concepts

    • Realm of Maladaptation Journal Prompt

    • Part 4: The Realm of Disease

    • Part 4: The Realm of Disease

    • The Realm of Disease: Key Concepts

    • Realm of Disease Journal Prompt

    • Live Class: The Five Realms Part 1 - August 5, 2024 (5pm EST)

    • Part 5: The Realm of Experience

    • Part 5: The Realm of Experience

    • The Realm of Experience: Key Concepts

    • Realm of Experience Journal Prompts

    • Part 6: The Realm of Eco-Sociocultural Political Context

    • Part 6: The Realm of Eco-Sociocultural Political Context

    • Realm of Eco-Sociocultural Political Context Journal Prompt

    • Part 7: Herbal Medicine and The Dance Of The Realms

    • Part 7: Herbal Medicine and The Dance Of The Realms

    • Dance of the Realms Journal Prompt

    • Part 8: Conclusion

    • Part 8: Conclusion

    • Assignment: 5 Realms Recap Journal Prompt

    • The 5 Realms Part 1 (Live Class Recording)

    • The 5 Realms Part 2 (Live Class Recording)

    • The 5 Realms Part 3 (Live Class Recording)

    • Assessing Health in the Realm of Health

    • Behavioral Change in The Realm of Health

  • 4

    Scope of Practice For Herbalists

    • Audio: A Legal and Ethical Look at Mainstream Scope of Practice

    • A Legal and Ethical Look at Mainstream Scope of Practice Transcript

    • Assignment: Researching the Legalities of Herbal Practice in Your State or Country

    • Audio: Defining Scope of Practice for Herbalists

    • Defining Scope of Practice for Herbalists Transcript

    • Assignment: Finding Your Edges

    • Scope of Practice: Red Flags and Referrals Part 1 Video

    • Red Flags and Referrals Part 1 Transcript

    • Assignment: Red Flags Quiz Part 1

    • Scope of Practice: Red Flags and Referrals Part 2 Video

    • Red Flags and Referrals Part 2 Transcript

    • Red Flags Quiz Part 2 Quiz

    • Scope of Practice Live Discussion

  • 5

    Building Health

    • Welcome to Building Health + Learning Physiology Resources

    • Audio: Building Health: An Exploration of Diet and Nutrition

    • Building Health: An Exploration of Diet and Nutrition

    • Audio: Chapter 1: How We Know What We Know in Nutritional Science: Evidence, Gaps, Controversies and The Need for Epistemic Humility

    • Chapter 1: How We Know What We Know in Nutritional Science: Evidence, Gaps, Controversies and The Need for Epistemic Humility

    • Audio: Chapter 2: Body Systems Review: A Nutritional Perspective

    • Chapter 2: Body Systems Review: A Nutritional Perspective

    • Audio: Chapter 3: Introduction to Energy Production

    • Chapter 3: Introduction to Energy Production

    • Audio: Chapter 4: Carbohydrates and Vitamins for Energy Production

    • Chapter 4: Carbohydrates and Vitamins for Energy Production

    • Audio: Chapter 5: Proteins and Blood-Building Nutrients

    • Chapter 5: Proteins and Blood-Building Nutrients

    • Audio: Chapter 6: Fats and Fat-Soluble Vitamins

    • Chapter 6: Fats and Fat-Soluble Vitamins

    • Audio: Chapter 7: Bone-Building Nutrients

    • Chapter 7: Bone-Building Nutrients

    • Audio: Chapter 8: Water and Electrolytes

    • Chapter 8: Water and Electrolytes

    • Audio: Chapter 9: Trace Minerals and Their Functions

    • Chapter 9: Trace Minerals and Their Functions

    • Audio: Chapter 10: Antioxidants and Phytonutrients

    • Chapter 10: Antioxidants and Phytonutrients

    • Audio: Chapter 11: Nutrient Interactions and Common Dietary Restrictions

    • Chapter 11: Nutrient Interactions and Common Dietary Restrictions

    • An Introduction to Movement and Excercise

    • Audio: An Introduction to Mental Health and Resiliency – It’s Complicated

    • An Introduction to Mental Health and Resiliency – It’s Complicated

    • Audio: Building Health: Rest and Restoration Part 1

    • Audio: Building Health: Rest and Restoration Part 2

    • Building Health: Rest and Restoration

    • Building Mental Health and Resiliency: Connection

    • Building Mental Health and Resiliency: Cultivating Coherence

    • Assignment: Applying Resiliency Building To Daily Life

    • Live Discussions on Building Health: September 24, October 1, October 8 5pm EST

  • 6

    Introduction to Materia Medica

    • How To Learn Herbs: Visceral Impressions

    • Energetics 101: Sensory System Language

    • Energetics 101: Taste and Foundational Actions

    • Herbal Safety and Contraindications

    • Reading Modern Herbal Literature

    • Monograph Writing

    • A Guide to Monograph Writing

    • Tea Tasting Example Video: Goldenrod

    • Tea Tasting Example Video: Hawthorn

    • Assignment: Blind Tastings and Monographs

    • Live Discussion on Learning Materia Medica October 15 5pm EST

  • 7

    An Introduction To Plant Medicine Making

    • Solvents

    • Weight to Volume Ratios

    • Infusions and Decoctions

    • Topicals - Poultices, Compresses and Fomentations

    • Macerations, and Making Stronger Extracts with Time, Heat and Agitation

    • Glycerites - The Sealed Simmer Method

    • Pressing and Straining Macerations

    • Solubility Using Different Preparation Methods

    • Medicinal Oils

    • Salves and Balms

    • The Application of Topical Herbs

    • How to Make Herbal Syrups

    • How to Make Herbal Vinegars

    • Making and Using Herbal Wines

    • The Art and Science of Plant Medicine Making Resources

  • 8

    Acute Disease Processes and Care

    • Tissue Injury and Inflammation

    • Bites and Stings

    • Allergies and Allergic Reactions

    • Mouth Problems

    • Acute Eye Problems

    • An Introduction to Infectious Disease

    • Interventions For Common Viral Infections

    • Interventions for Common Bacterial Infections

    • Wound Care

    • Live Disucssions on Acute Diseases November 11, November 18, December 2 5pm EST

  • 9

    Capstone Project

    • Assignment: Foundational Capstone Project

  • 10

    Where To Go From Here

    • Resources for Self Study

    • Becoming A Community Herbalist

Live Class Schedule

Live classes will take place on Zoom at 5pm eastern.

August 5

August 12

August 19

September 3

September 24

October 1

October 8

October 15

November 11

November 18

December 2

Thomas aims for 1.5 hours of class, but scheduling two is a good idea.

Try Before You Buy

If you'd like to preview the type of content that's included in our programs, check out these videos:

Thyroid Physiology

Understanding the Thyroid

Fatigue Differentials

An Introduction to Fatigue Causes

Herbal Medicine Making

Solubility Using Different Preparation Methods


  • How much time will this program take to complete?

    This program is 100% self paced, therefore the time it takes to complete it depends heavily on the amount of time you devote to the course. It takes folks anywhere between 3-12 months to complete generally. The live components are delivered over 4 months.

  • Is there a prerequisite for this course?

    No, anyone is welcome to enroll!

  • Does this course prepare me for active clinical practice?

    No, but if you're interested in training that will prepare you for active clinical practice, check out our full clinical program! This program is the first piece of our Clinical Practitioner program.

  • How much does this course cost?

    $2000.00 if paid in full, or 6 payments of $340.

  • What are the requirements for receiving my Foundational Herbalism Program certification?

    - Complete all coursework

    - Pass all quizzes

    - Turn in and revise as needed all assignments

    - Complete 10 monograph papers

    - Complete your capstone project

  • Who do I contact if I have questions about enrolling in the Foundational Herbalism Program?

    Send an email to [email protected].

Join Us!

If you're looking for a program geared towards beginners, with a strong clinical focus, this is the course for you!

Addressing Cost and Accessibility in Herbal Education:

 In the spirit of accessibility, we offer a limited number of need-based equity and community service scholarships for this program. We are also committed to finding new ways to offer more scholarships in the future. Please email Mel at: [email protected] for more information or to apply.