Are you looking to build your knowledge of working with herbs to support winter illness?

Would you like to learn more about not only which herbs to utilize, but about the timing of administering these herbs?

Do you want to build your knowledge base around which herbs to choose for which presentation of symptoms?

If so, we think you'll love this class!

Enrollment Closes

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How to Build (and Use) a Winter Wellness Kit

Why We're Offering This Class

In December, we sent out a newsletter to our mailing list with a link to a blog post about building a winter wellness kit in preparation for unexpected winter ailments. It was long and detailed (our normal style here at ESHM!)

Folks loved the information we shared, and we got quite a few emails asking further questions about working with herbs for winter and when to use some of the remedies we talked about, how to determine timing of dosing which herb when, and especially how to know when to choose one herb over another.

Having access to information and knowing how to apply that information are different skill sets, and with this in mind, we decided to offer a follow-up workshop so that folks can better learn the nuance around working with herbs, tissue states, energetics, and more so that they can support themselves and those around them when winter illness strikes.

What to Expect from This Class

Thursday, February 1 at 5:00pm eastern

This 3-hour workshop will go over the basics of using herbs to prevent and support the body during common winter illnesses, using the winter wellness article as our guide.

We will talk about how to identify tissue state in the respiratory and digestive systems to help us choose which herbs from our kit we should use. We'll briefly discuss supporting the fever response as well.

You will leave this class with a list of remedies that you can utilize to support yourself and your family during common winter illnesses AND an understanding how to actually apply them to real life situations.

Enroll Now

We'd love to have you in class - make sure to register while enrollment is still open!


  • How much does this class cost?

    This class is $89.

  • When is class?

    Thursday, February 1 at 5:00pm eastern

  • How long should I plan for class to last?

    Class will run for about 2.5 hours, and will be followed by a Q&A session, so plan on spending 3 hours in class. We'll have a 10-15 minute break in the middle of class so that folks can go to the restroom and refill their tea mugs!

  • What if I can't attend class live?

    We'll be recording this class for later viewing, and all course materials will be uploaded to the online classroom (you'll have lifetime access to the online classroom too). If you can't join us live, you can tune in later!

  • When and where is class?

    Class will be held online via Zoom. A link to join will be posted to the online classroom and will also be emailed to you shortly before class begins.

A Note from Mel

Your Class Instructor

I don’t know about you, but I can be TERRIBLE at taking care of myself when sick. I can bring buckets of soup and tea to sick friends, but when my head hurts and my body aches, all of my herbal knowledge is inaccessible. My medicine cabinet makes no sense to me and I never have the energy to blend teas in the middle of a fever.

I love the idea of building a winter wellness kit to keep on hand, because our future selves need support! They aren’t going to be able to get it together to make tea and take vitamins when they aren’t feeling well.

Having a box or basket full of lovely, health-supporting herbs and supplements already assembled for yourself and your family will save energy and make preventing illness, supporting symptoms during illness, and recovering more quickly a lot less stressful.

My goal for this class is not simply to teach you which herbs to include in your wellness kit - I also want to teach you the skills you need to know which herbs to choose when (and why).

I hope that you'll join me for class!

Your Instructor for This Class

Mel Kasting, RH (AHG)

ESHM Clinical Director and Free Clinic Manager

Mel is a practicing clinical herbalist, educator, poet, and emergent facilitator. As Clinical Program Director and Free Clinic Manager, she helps clients to get the support they need while guiding students through the rigorous process of preparing for and participating in active clinicals.

Mel’s passion lies in both serving clients and empowering students to develop the essential relational health and clinical skills required to excel as herbal practitioners. Through her clinic work, art and class facilitation, she explores the intersections of herbalism, botany, society, and somatic experiencing to support plant-centered botanical medicine and celebrate the teeming diversity life has to offer.

In her private practice, she blends traditional western herbalism and clinical nutrition with somatic herbal practices. She recognizes the significance of addressing personal and societal traumas as an integral part of the healing journey. This profound understanding shapes her approach, as she guides individuals toward greater well-being and helps them navigate the complexities of their own healing processes.

Don't Delay!

Enrollment closes soon, so if you know you'd like to join us, be sure to sign up ASAP.